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- {******************************************************************************}
- { }
- { GmGridPrint.pas v2.61 Pro }
- { }
- { Copyright (c) 2001 Graham Murt - www.MurtSoft.co.uk }
- { }
- { Feel free to e-mail me with any comments, suggestions, bugs or help at: }
- { }
- { graham@murtsoft.co.uk }
- { }
- {******************************************************************************}
- unit GmGridPrint;
- interface
- uses
- Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
- GmPreview, GmTypes, grids, GmCanvas;
- type
- TGmDrawCellEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; AGrid: TDrawGrid; Col, Row: Longint; ARect: TGmValueRect; ACanvas: TGmCanvas) of object;
- TGetCellAlignmentEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; AGrid: TDrawGrid; Col, Row: Longint; var Alignment: TAlignment; var VertAlignment: TGmVertAlignment) of object;
- TGridNewPageEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; var ATopMargin, ABottomMargin: TGmValue) of object;
- TGmColWidth = class
- private
- FColumn : integer;
- FWidth : integer;
- public
- property Column: integer read FColumn write FColumn;
- property Width: integer read FWidth write FWidth;
- end;
- TGmColWidthList = class(TList)
- private
- FScale: Extended;
- function GetColWidth(ACol: integer): TGmColWidth;
- function GetTotalWidth: integer;
- procedure SetColWidth(ACol: integer; Value: TGmColWidth);
- public
- procedure AddColWidth(ACol, AWidth: integer);
- procedure Clear; {$IFDEF D4+} override; {$ENDIF}
- property ColWidth[ACol: integer]: TGmColWidth read GetColWidth write SetColWidth; default;
- property Scale: Extended read FScale write FScale;
- property TotalWidth: integer read GetTotalWidth;
- end;
- TGmGridOption = (gmVertLine, gmHorzLine, gmFixedRowPerPage);
- TGmGridOptions = set of TGmGridOption;
- TGmGridPrint = class(TGmCustomGridPrint)
- private
- FMonochrome: Boolean;
- FColWidths: TGmColWidthList;
- FDefaultCellAlign: TAlignment;
- FDefaultCellVertAlign: TGmVertAlignment;
- FGridOptions: TGmGridOptions;
- FPreview: TGmPreview;
- FScaleText: Boolean;
- FTopMargin: TGmValue;
- FBottomMargin: TGmValue;
- // events...
- FOnDrawCell: TGmDrawCellEvent;
- FOnGetCellAlignment: TGetCellAlignmentEvent;
- FOnGridNewPage: TGridNewPageEvent;
- function GetCellRect(AGrid: TDrawGrid; CurrLeft, CurrTop, ACol, ARow: integer): TRect;
- procedure DefaultDrawCellExt(AGrid: TDrawGrid; ARect: TGmValueRect;
- ACol, ARow: integer; Alignment: TAlignment; VertAlignment: TGmVertAlignment);
- procedure DrawBottomLine(ARow: integer; AGrid: TDrawGrid; ALeft: integer; ATop: integer);
- procedure DrawTopLine(ARow: integer; AGrid: TDrawGrid; ALeft: integer; ATop: integer);
- procedure DrawGridRow(ARow: integer; AGrid: TDrawGrid; ALeft: integer; var ATop: integer);
- procedure SetPreview(const Value: TGmPreview);
- { Private declarations }
- protected
- procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); override;
- { Protected declarations }
- public
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function IsFixedCell(AGrid: TDrawGrid; ACol, ARow: integer): Boolean;
- procedure DefaultDrawCell(AGrid: TDrawGrid; ARect: TGmValueRect; ACol, ARow: integer);
- procedure GridToPage(X, Y, AWidth: Extended; AUnits: TGmMeasurement;
- AGrid: TDrawGrid);
- property TopMargin: TGmValue read FTopMargin write FTopMargin;
- property BottomMargin: TGmValue read FBottomMargin write FBottomMargin;
- { Public declarations }
- published
- { Published declarations }
- property DefaultCellAlignment: TAlignment read FDefaultCellAlign write FDefaultCellAlign default taLeftJustify;
- property DefaultCellVertAlignment: TGmVertAlignment read FDefaultCellVertAlign write FDefaultCellVertAlign default gmTop;
- property GridOptions: TGmGridOptions read FGridOptions write FGridOptions
- default [gmVertLine, gmHorzLine, gmFixedRowPerPage];
- property Monochrome: Boolean read FMonochrome write FMonochrome default False;
- property Preview: TGmPreview read FPreview write SetPreview;
- property ScaleText: Boolean read FScaleText write FScaleText default False;
- // events...
- property OnDrawCell: TGmDrawCellEvent read FOnDrawCell write FOnDrawCell;
- property OnGetCellAlignment: TGetCellAlignmentEvent read FOnGetCellAlignment write FOnGetCellAlignment;
- property OnGridNewPage: TGridNewPageEvent read FOnGridNewPage write FOnGridNewPage;
- end;
- implementation
- uses GmErrors, Dialogs, GmConst, GmObjects;
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TGmColWidthList.AddColWidth(ACol, AWidth: integer);
- var
- NewColWidth: TGmColWidth;
- begin
- NewColWidth := TGmColWidth.Create;
- NewColWidth.Column := ACol;
- NewColWidth.Width := AWidth;
- Add(NewColWidth);
- end;
- procedure TGmColWidthList.Clear;
- var
- ICount: integer;
- begin
- for ICount := Count-1 downto 0 do
- begin
- TGmColWidth(Self[ICount]).Free;
- end;
- {$IFDEF D4+}
- inherited Clear;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- function TGmColWidthList.GetColWidth(ACol: integer): TGmColWidth;
- begin
- Result := TGmColWidth(Items[ACol]);
- end;
- function TGmColWidthList.GetTotalWidth: integer;
- var
- ICount: integer;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- for ICount := 0 to Count-1 do
- Inc(Result, ColWidth[ICount].Width);
- end;
- procedure TGmColWidthList.SetColWidth(ACol: integer; Value: TGmColWidth);
- begin
- Items[ACol] := Value;
- end;
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- constructor TGmGridPrint.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- begin
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- FColWidths := TGmColWidthList.Create;
- FGridOptions := [gmVertLine, gmHorzLine, gmFixedRowPerPage];
- FMonochrome := False;
- FTopMargin := TGmValue.CreateValue(3500);
- FBottomMargin := TGmValue.CreateValue(3500);
- FScaleText := False;
- FDefaultCellAlign := taLeftJustify;
- FDefaultCellVertAlign := gmTop;
- end;
- destructor TGmGridPrint.Destroy;
- begin
- // free TGmPrintSuite objects...
- FTopMargin.Free;
- FBottomMargin.Free;
- FColWidths.Free;
- inherited;
- end;
- function TGmGridPrint.IsFixedCell(AGrid: TDrawGrid; ACol, ARow: integer): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (ACol < AGrid.FixedCols) or (ARow < AGrid.FixedRows);
- end;
- procedure TGmGridPrint.DefaultDrawCell(AGrid: TDrawGrid; ARect: TGmValueRect; ACol, ARow: integer);
- begin
- DefaultDrawCellExt(AGrid, ARect, ACol, ARow, FDefaultCellAlign, FDefaultCellVertAlign);
- end;
- procedure TGmGridPrint.Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation);
- begin
- inherited Notification(AComponent, Operation);
- if (Operation = opRemove) and (AComponent = FPreview) then
- FPreview := nil;
- end;
- procedure TGmGridPrint.DefaultDrawCellExt(AGrid: TDrawGrid; ARect: TGmValueRect;
- ACol, ARow: integer; Alignment: TAlignment; VertAlignment: TGmVertAlignment);
- var
- FontSize: integer;
- CellAlign: TAlignment;
- CellVertAlign: TGmVertAlignment;
- begin
- CellAlign := Alignment;
- CellVertAlign := VertAlignment;
- if Assigned(FOnGetCellAlignment) then FOnGetCellAlignment(Self, AGrid, ACol, ARow, CellAlign, CellVertAlign);
- with FPreview.Canvas do
- begin
- if not FMonochrome then
- begin
- Rectangle(ARect.Left.AsUnits,
- ARect.Top.AsUnits,
- ARect.Right.AsUnits,
- ARect.Bottom.AsUnits,
- GmUnits);
- end;
- if (AGrid is TStringGrid) then
- begin
- Pen.Style := psClear;
- Brush.Style := bsClear;
- FontSize := Font.Size;
- Font.Size := AGrid.Font.Size;
- if FScaleText then Font.Size := Round(FColWidths.Scale * Font.Size);
- try
- TextBoxExt(ARect.Left.AsUnits+50, // 0.5 mm margin
- ARect.Top.AsUnits+50,
- ARect.Right.AsUnits-50, // 0.5 mm margin
- ARect.Bottom.AsUnits-50,
- TStringGrid(AGrid).Cells[ACol, ARow],
- CellAlign,
- CellVertAlign,
- True,
- GmUnits);
- TGmTextBoxObject(LastObject).WordBreak := False;
- finally
- Font.Size := FontSize;
- end;
- end;
- Pen.Style := psSolid;
- end;
- end;
- function TGmGridPrint.GetCellRect(AGrid: TDrawGrid; CurrLeft, CurrTop, ACol, ARow: integer): TRect;
- begin
- Result.Left := CurrLeft;
- Result.Top := CurrTop;
- Result.Right := CurrLeft + FColWidths[ACol].Width;
- Result.Bottom := CurrTop + Round(ConvertValue(AGrid.RowHeights[ARow], GmPixels, GmUnits));
- end;
- procedure TGmGridPrint.DrawBottomLine(ARow: integer; AGrid: TDrawGrid; ALeft: integer; ATop: integer);
- var
- ICount: integer;
- ARect: TRect;
- begin
- for ICount := 0 to AGrid.ColCount-1 do
- begin
- ARect := GetCellRect(AGrid, ALeft, ATop, ICount, ARow);
- FPreview.Canvas.Pen.Style := psSolid;
- FPreview.Canvas.Line(ARect.Left, ARect.Bottom, ARect.Right, ARect.Bottom, GmPixels);
- Inc(ALeft, FColWidths[ICount].Width);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TGmGridPrint.DrawTopLine(ARow: integer; AGrid: TDrawGrid; ALeft: integer; ATop: integer);
- var
- ICount: integer;
- ARect: TRect;
- begin
- for ICount := 0 to AGrid.ColCount-1 do
- begin
- ARect := GetCellRect(AGrid, ALeft, ATop, ICount, ARow);
- FPreview.Canvas.Pen.Style := psSolid;
- FPreview.Canvas.Line(ARect.Left, ARect.Top, ARect.Right, ARect.Top, GmPixels);
- Inc(ALeft, FColWidths[ICount].Width);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TGmGridPrint.DrawGridRow(ARow: integer; AGrid: TDrawGrid; ALeft: integer; var ATop: integer);
- var
- ICount: integer;
- ARect: TRect;
- AGmRect: TGmValueRect;
- begin
- for ICount := 0 to AGrid.ColCount-1 do
- begin
- ARect := GetCellRect(AGrid, ALeft, ATop, ICount, ARow);
- FPreview.Canvas.Pen.Style := psSolid;
- FPreview.Canvas.Pen.Color := clBlack;
- FPreview.Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear;
- // draw the grid's horizontal lines...
- if (ARow = 0) or (gmHorzLine in FGridOptions) then
- FPreview.Canvas.Line(ARect.Left, ARect.Top, ARect.Right, ARect.Top, GmUnits);
- // draw the grid's vertical lines...
- if (ICount = 0) or (gmVertLine in FGridOptions) then
- FPreview.Canvas.Line(ARect.Left, ARect.Top, ARect.Left, ARect.Bottom, GmUnits);
- // draw the right border...
- if (ICount = AGrid.ColCount-1) then
- FPreview.Canvas.Line(ARect.Right, ARect.Top, ARect.Right, ARect.Bottom, GmUnits);
- // draw the bottom border...
- if ARow = AGrid.RowCount-1 then
- FPreview.Canvas.Line(ARect.Left, ARect.Bottom, ARect.Right, ARect.Bottom, GmUnits);
- AGmRect := TGmValueRect.Create;
- try
- AGmRect.Left.AsUnits := ARect.Left;
- AGmRect.Top.AsUnits := ARect.Top;
- AGmRect.Right.AsUnits := ARect.Right;
- AGmRect.Bottom.AsUnits:= ARect.Bottom;
- FPreview.Canvas.Font.Color := clBlack;
- if IsFixedCell(AGrid, ICount, ARow) then
- FPreview.Canvas.Brush.Color := AGrid.FixedColor
- else
- FPreview.Canvas.Brush.Color := AGrid.Color;
- if Assigned(FOnDrawCell) then
- FOnDrawCell(Self, AGrid, ICount, ARow, AGmRect, FPreview.Canvas)
- else
- DefaultDrawCellExt(AGrid, AGmRect, ICount, ARow, FDefaultCellAlign, FDefaultCellVertAlign);
- finally
- AGmRect.Free;
- end;
- Inc(ALeft, ARect.Right-ARect.Left);
- end;
- Inc(ATop, ARect.Bottom-ARect.Top);
- end;
- procedure TGmGridPrint.GridToPage(X, Y, AWidth: Extended; AUnits: TGmMeasurement;
- AGrid: TDrawGrid);
- var
- StartXY : TPoint;
- CurrLeft: integer;
- CurrTop : integer;
- ICount : integer;
- DesiredWidth: integer;
- LastTop,
- LastLeft: integer;
- begin
- // draw the string-grid to the TGmPreview...
- if not Assigned(FPreview) then
- begin
- Exit;
- end;
- FPreview.MessagesEnabled := False;
- StartXY.x := Round(ConvertValue(X, AUnits, GmUnits));
- StartXY.y := Round(ConvertValue(Y, AUnits, GmUnits));
- CurrLeft := StartXY.x;
- CurrTop := StartXY.y;
- FColWidths.Clear;
- for ICount := 0 to AGrid.ColCount-1 do
- FColWidths.AddColWidth(ICount, Round(ConvertValue(AGrid.ColWidths[ICount], GmPixels, GmUnits)));
- FColWidths.Scale := 1;
- if AWidth <> 0 then
- begin
- DesiredWidth := Round(ConvertValue(AWidth, AUnits, GmUnits));
- FColWidths.Scale := DesiredWidth / FColWidths.TotalWidth;
- for ICount := 0 to FColWidths.Count-1 do
- FColWidths[ICount].Width := Round(FColWidths[ICount].Width * FColWidths.Scale);
- end;
- // draw the grid...
- FPreview.Canvas.Pen.Width := 0;
- for ICount := 0 to AGrid.RowCount-1 do
- begin
- LastTop := CurrTop;
- LastLeft := CurrLeft;
- DrawGridRow(ICount, AGrid, CurrLeft, CurrTop);
- if ICount < (AGrid.RowCount-1) then
- begin
- with FPreview do
- if ((CurrTop + ConvertValue(AGrid.RowHeights[ICount+1], GmPixels, GmUnits)) >
- (PageHeight.AsUnits - FBottomMargin.AsUnits)) then
- begin
- DrawBottomLine(ICount, AGrid, LastLeft, LastTop);
- FPreview.NewPage;
- CurrTop := StartXY.Y;
- FTopMargin.AsUnits := CurrTop;
- if Assigned(FOnGridNewPage) then FOnGridNewPage(Self, FTopMargin, FBottomMargin);
- CurrTop := FTopMargin.AsUnits;
- if (gmFixedRowPerPage in FGridOptions) then
- DrawGridRow(0, AGrid, CurrLeft, CurrTop)
- else
- DrawTopLine(ICount, AGrid, CurrLeft, CurrTop);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- FPreview.MessagesEnabled := True;
- if FPreview.MessagesEnabled then
- FPreview.UpdatePreview;
- end;
- procedure TGmGridPrint.SetPreview(const Value: TGmPreview);
- begin
- FPreview := Value;
- end;
- end.